Project Payday
Actually these sites are not scams at all. They are able to do this because the companies pay them commissions for every person they bring to them. Just for example,you sign up on an IFW site and do a free offer for Netflix. Then Netflix pays the IFW site a certain amount per person that signs up on Netflix. Again that was just an example.
Luckily there is a web site that can get you started, Project Payday. They explain everything through guides and videos, they even have a mentoring program. The first 'trade' that you do, you have a personal mentor who assists you and guides you through it. You are guaranteed to make $50. You pretty much make money while your learning.
Project Payday claims on their site "realistic extra income for the average joe". This statement makes it very clear that you are not going to become a millionaire overnight. It is very nice to see a web site that is not making outrageous claims.
Project Payday is free, all you do have to do is complete a sponsor offer. Usually most offers are free trials, some you might have to pay a few dollars for shipping or some other small charge, but remember, you only have to do one offer and you can choose what ever one you want.
Project Payday also has a referral program, which is different from other referral programs that I have seen because the person you refer does not have to activate their membership. PPD will pay you for any one who fills out their name on the first page, regardless of whether or not that person completes an offer.
Project Payday includes an impressive set of training articles and videos that teache you how to make money from the various IFW or GPT sites. You’ve probably seen them around, the “get a PS3 for free” sort of site. What you generally have to do is complete one or more offers at the site, and refer some number of friends who do the same.
Project Payday shows you how to make money from these sites in three different ways.
1) Get paid to help others get their freebies.
2) Find sites that will give you cash in place of an item, and then pay others to help you get it
3) Pay others to help you get an item, and then sell it on Ebay
They also offer a mentoring program, where you can request a couple of mentors to be assigned. Mentors must be using the system successfully, so you know that you’ll get good advice.
Of course, you absolutely do not need to go through Project Payday to learn this style of money making. There are many forums where people are paying others constantly to do offers for them on these IFW sites. One of these forums is Anything4free. One very easy IFW site is, which I will personally pay you $25 to complete ONE OFFER. Then if you refer 5 more friends, you have your choice between a free flatscreen TV or $250 cash. Here is the link to that site:
Also you can view my other related posts and they also explain this kind of money making opportunity in greater detail. I also plan to write another post soon to explain it a little bit better. Like I said it is sometimes confusing to write out, you are almost always going to have questions so please if you are interested in this, then leave a comment and I will respond asap.