Make Money By Being An Affiliate

1:27:00 AM 1 Comments A+ a-

One popular and great way to make money online is by being an affiliate. If you don't know what this is, it's a person who promotes another product or service and when you refer someone to that company you make a profit. The best part is it can be done absolutely free.

Now there are probably hundreds and thousands of affiliate companies out there. Some very popular ones would be ClickBank and These two that I just named have numerous different products that they have available for you to promote. Others may just be, for example, a tanning lotion company and have an affiliate link near the bottom or top of their web site. If that is the case you can sign up for that affiliate program and you would just be promoting tanning lotions.

There are also many different ways you can go about doing this type of affiliate marketing. If you already have some sort of blog or web site then you are already ahead of the game. All you would have to do then is find some affiliate programs that offer the type of things that would fit in good with the content of your site, then maybe include some links in your side bar or underneath or any where in your post.

If you don't have a web site or blog, don't worry, they are not that hard to create and you can get a blog for free. If you want to go the free route, which I'm going to assume you do then you can go to Blogger and set up a free blog. You can also Google "free blogs" and you will find other places to start a free blog.

To start a blog you will first have to think about what type of product you want to promote. It is better if this is something that you are interested in or passionate about, but it doesn't have to be. Either way you do have to pick a topic that you will write about. To get some good ideas you can go to Blog catalog and view other peoples blogs. This is also a good way to promote your blog after you finish writing it.

An even better way to go about affiliate marketing requires you spend a bit of money but I think the benefits are worth it. Choose a product that you want to promote on Click Bank, order it, and then write a type of review about how well it worked, basically promoting it to the people who read your blog. That is even an idea you can do for your blog. Your blog title could be "product reviews" and then you can have different posts about the different products you have tried out and are promoting.

You should have a minimum of five posts on your blog. You will also have to promote your blog. Do this by submiting articles to free article submission sites , like Ezine Articles. Then you would put a link to your blog in the resource box at the bottom of your article. You can submit to Blog catalog and other blog directories. You can also find other blogs about similar things and ask the web master to do a link exchange with you. This is when one person links to another persons blog and then the other reciprocates, then each have a relevant link going to their site.

Of course you will always put a link on your page, to the product your promoting.The affiliate company will give you a special referral link for your products, so that when the person comes to the site and buys the product you will get a percentage of the earnings. You could even put a link to the product on your Myspace or Facebook page or if you like to Twitter, tweet about this new product you tried out. Just be creative, the objective is to get the word out to as many people as possible.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make some extra income, if you get really good with it you could possibly supplement your income. Both of the companies that I mentioned at the top are a great place to start and they are free. You really don't have anything to loose. If you don't know anything about blogging at all you may want to do some extra research, or you can just jump in, that's what I did and now I'm writing about how to do it. Trust me it's all very easy, everything you want to know or have a question on is out there. Just Google it!


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August 7, 2009 at 8:48 AM delete

Yea clickbank is one of my favs also havnt tried amazon yet.Good info :)
